Fred Prior
Fred Prior
Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Arkansas for
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Cited by
Cited by
The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA): maintaining and operating a public information repository
K Clark, B Vendt, K Smith, J Freymann, J Kirby, P Koppel, S Moore, ...
Journal of digital imaging 26, 1045-1057, 2013
The Human Connectome Project: a data acquisition perspective
DC Van Essen, K Ugurbil, E Auerbach, D Barch, TEJ Behrens, R Bucholz, ...
Neuroimage 62 (4), 2222-2231, 2012
The national lung screening trial: overview and study design
National Lung Screening Trial Research Team
Radiology 258 (1), 243-253, 2011
Informatics and data mining tools and strategies for the human connectome project
DS Marcus, J Harwell, T Olsen, M Hodge, MF Glasser, F Prior, ...
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 5, 4, 2011
Understanding and using DICOM, the data interchange standard for biomedical imaging
WD Bidgood Jr, SC Horii, FW Prior, DE Van Syckle
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 4 (3), 199-212, 1997
Consortium WU
DC Van Essen, SM Smith, DM Barch, TE Behrens, E Yacoub, K Ugurbil
MH 145, 62-79, 2013
Cortical network functional connectivity in the descent to sleep
LJ Larson-Prior, JM Zempel, TS Nolan, FW Prior, AZ Snyder, ME Raichle
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (11), 4489-4494, 2009
The Brain of LB1, Homo floresiensis
D Falk, C Hildebolt, K Smith, MJ Morwood, T Sutikna, P Brown, Jatmiko, ...
Science 308 (5719), 242-245, 2005
Computer-based medical image distribution system and method
S Wong, F Prior
US Patent 6,260,021, 2001
Adding dynamics to the Human Connectome Project with MEG
LJ Larson-Prior, R Oostenveld, S Della Penna, G Michalareas, F Prior, ...
Neuroimage 80, 190-201, 2013
Highly accurate model for prediction of lung nodule malignancy with CT scans
JL Causey, J Zhang, S Ma, B Jiang, JA Qualls, DG Politte, F Prior, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 9286, 2018
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in cancer imaging
DM Koh, N Papanikolaou, U Bick, R Illing, CE Kahn Jr, J Kalpathi-Cramer, ...
Communications Medicine 2 (1), 133, 2022
Role of machine learning techniques to tackle the COVID-19 crisis: systematic review
HB Syeda, M Syed, KW Sexton, S Syed, S Begum, F Syed, F Prior, F Yu Jr
JMIR medical informatics 9 (1), e23811, 2021
Data preparation for artificial intelligence in medical imaging: A comprehensive guide to open-access platforms and tools
O Diaz, K Kushibar, R Osuala, A Linardos, L Garrucho, L Igual, P Radeva, ...
Physica medica 83, 25-37, 2021
Consortium, WU
DC Van Essen, K Ugurbil, E Auerbach, D Barch, TE Behrens, R Bucholz, ...
MH, 2222-2231, 2012
The public cancer radiology imaging collections of The Cancer Imaging Archive
F Prior, K Smith, A Sharma, J Kirby, L Tarbox, K Clark, W Bennett, T Nolan, ...
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-7, 2017
LB1’s virtual endocast, microcephaly, and hominin brain evolution
D Falk, C Hildebolt, K Smith, MJ Morwood, T Sutikna, EW Saptomo, ...
Journal of human evolution 57 (5), 597-607, 2009
Brain shape in human microcephalics and Homo floresiensis
D Falk, C Hildebolt, K Smith, MJ Morwood, T Sutikna, Jatmiko, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (7), 2513-2518, 2007
TCIA: an information resource to enable open science
FW Prior, K Clark, P Commean, J Freymann, C Jaffe, J Kirby, S Moore, ...
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
Progression of foot deformity in Charcot neuropathic osteoarthropathy
MK Hastings, JE Johnson, MJ Strube, CF Hildebolt, KL Bohnert, FW Prior, ...
JBJS 95 (13), 1206-1213, 2013
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Articles 1–20