Vicente Martínez-Tur
Vicente Martínez-Tur
IDOCAL (Research Inst. of HR Psychology, Org. Development & QWL) UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA
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Calidad de servicio y satisfacción del cliente
V Martínez-Tur, JMP Sillo, J Ramos
Editorial Síntesis, 2001
Organizational justice and extrarole customer service: The mediating role of well-being at work
C Moliner, V Martinez-Tur, J Ramos, JM Peiró, R Cropanzano
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 17 (3), 327-348, 2008
Justice Perceptions as Predictors of Customer Satisfaction: The Impact of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Justice1
V Martínez‐Tur, JM Peiró, J Ramos, C Moliner
Journal of applied social psychology 36 (1), 100-119, 2006
Relationships between organizational justice and burnout at the work-unit level.
C Moliner, V Martínez-Tur, JM Peiró, J Ramos, R Cropanzano
International Journal of Stress Management 12 (2), 99, 2005
Los tangibles como predictores de la satisfacción del usuario en servicios deportivos
GG Guerrero, JMM Rodríguez, VM Tur, CPM Cantos
Psicothema, 243-248, 2008
Testing a hierarchical and integrated model of quality in the service sector: functional, relational, and tangible dimensions
RM Sánchez-Hernández, V Martínez-Tur, JM Peiró, J Ramos
Total Quality Management 20 (11), 1173-1188, 2009
La satisfacción del usuario desde el modelo de la confirmación de expectativas: respuesta a algunos interrogantes
JC Marzo, VM Tur, J Ramos, JM Peiró
Psicothema 14 (4), 765-770, 2002
Employees' overestimation of functional and relational service quality: A gap analysis
JM Peiro, V Martínez-Tur, J Ramos
Service Industries Journal 25 (6), 773-788, 2005
Linking functional and relational service quality to customer satisfaction and loyalty: differences between men and women
RM Sánchez-Hernández, V Martínez-Tur, JM Peiró, C Moliner
Psychological Reports 106 (2), 598-610, 2010
Linking Service Climate and Disconfirmation of Expectations as Predictors of Customer Satisfaction: A Cross‐Level Study1
V Martínez‐Tur, N Tordera, JM Peiró, K Potocnik
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 41 (5), 1189-1213, 2011
Engaged teams deliver better service performance in innovation climates
E García-Buades, V Martínez-Tur, S Ortiz-Bonnín, JM Peiró
Creativity and Innovation in Organizations, 121-136, 2018
Linking organizational justice to burnout: Are men and women different?
C Moliner, V Martinez-Tur, JM Peiro, J Ramos
Psychological Reports 96 (3), 805-816, 2005
Tendencias y controversias en el futuro de la gestión y del desarrollo de los recursos humanos
VM Tur, FJG Lerín, JMP Silla
Trabajo, individuo y sociedad: perspectivas psicosociológicas sobre el …, 2001
Perceived reciprocity and well‐being at work in non‐professional employees: Fairness or self‐interest?
C Moliner, V Martínez‐Tur, JM Peiró, J Ramos, R Cropanzano
Stress and Health 29 (1), 31-39, 2013
Unit-level fairness and quality within the health care industry: A justice–quality model
A Molina, C Moliner, V Martínez-Tur, R Cropanzano, JM Peiró
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 24 (4), 627-644, 2015
Linking situational constraints to customer satisfaction in a service environment
V Martínez‐Tur, JM Peiró, J Ramos
Applied Psychology 54 (1), 25-36, 2005
Relationships among perceived justice, customers' satisfaction, and behavioral intentions: The moderating role of gender
V Martínez-Tur, J Ramos, JM Peiró, E García-Buades
Psychological Reports 88 (3), 805-811, 2001
Linking service structural complexity to customer satisfaction: The moderating role of type of ownership
V Martínez‐Tur, JM Peiro´, J Ramos
International Journal of Service Industry Management 12 (3), 295-306, 2001
Calidad de servicio y calidad de vida: El" survey feedback" como estrategia de cambio organizacional. Análisis teórico-conceptual y resultados empíricos. Serie: Colección Feaps
V Martínez-Tur, JM Peiro, C Moliner, K Potocnik
Feaps, 2012
Contribuciones de la Psicología Social al estudio de la satisfacción de los usuarios y consumidores
V Martínez-Tur, JM Peiró, J Ramos, N Tordera
Revista de Psicología Social 15 (2), 117-136, 2000
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20