Phoebe Spencer
Cited by
Cited by
Household resources and seasonal patterns of child growth in rural Timor‐Leste
PR Spencer, KA Sanders, P Canisio Amaral, DS Judge
American Journal of Human Biology 29 (1), e22916, 2017
Growth curves and the international standard: How children's growth reflects challenging conditions in rural Timor‐Leste
PR Spencer, KA Sanders, DS Judge
American journal of physical anthropology 165 (2), 286-298, 2018
Rural livelihood variation and its effects on child growth in Timor-Leste
PR Spencer, KA Sanders, DS Judge
Human Ecology 46 (6), 787-799, 2018
Determinants of objectively measured physical activity in rural East Timorese children
PR Spencer, KA Sanders, DS Judge
American Journal of Human Biology, e23247, 2019
Child growth under adverse conditions: An ecological investigation of the community, household and individual-level influences on the growth trajectories of rural East Timorese …
PR Spencer
Physical activity and child growth in rural Timor-Leste
P Spencer, D Judge, K Sanders, PC Amaral
TLSA Conference 2015: Timor-Leste: the local, the regional, and the global …, 2016
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Articles 1–6