Gijs van Dijk
Gijs van Dijk
Researcher & Project manager at B-WARE Research Centre, PhD Radboud University
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Cited by
Anaerobic oxidization of methane in a minerotrophic peatland: enrichment of nitrite-dependent methane-oxidizing bacteria
B Zhu, G van Dijk, C Fritz, AJP Smolders, A Pol, MSM Jetten, KF Ettwig
Applied and environmental microbiology 78 (24), 8657-8665, 2012
Nutrient additions in pristine Patagonian Sphagnum bog vegetation: can phosphorus addition alleviate (the effects of) increased nitrogen loads
C Fritz, G Van Dijk, AJP Smolders, VA Pancotto, T Elzenga, JGM Roelofs, ...
Plant Biology 14 (3), 491-499, 2012
Salinization of coastal freshwater wetlands; effects of constant versus fluctuating salinity on sediment biogeochemistry
G van Dijk, AJP Smolders, R Loeb, A Bout, JGM Roelofs, LPM Lamers
Biogeochemistry 126, 71-84, 2015
Sphagnum farming in a eutrophic world: The importance of optimal nutrient stoichiometry
RJM Temmink, C Fritz, G van Dijk, G Hensgens, LPM Lamers, M Krebs, ...
Ecological Engineering 98, 196-205, 2017
Azolla along a phosphorus gradient: biphasic growth response linked to diazotroph traits and phosphorus-induced iron chlorosis
RJM Temmink, SF Harpenslager, AJP Smolders, G van Dijk, RCJH Peters, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 4451, 2018
Salinization lowers nutrient availability in formerly brackish freshwater wetlands; unexpected results from a long-term field experiment
G van Dijk, LPM Lamers, R Loeb, PJ Westendorp, R Kuiperij, ...
Biogeochemistry 143, 67-83, 2019
Hidden treasures: Human-made aquatic ecosystems harbour unexplored opportunities
M Koschorreck, AS Downing, J Hejzlar, R Marcé, A Laas, WG Arndt, ...
Ambio 49 (2), 531-540, 2020
Salinity‐induced increase of the hydraulic conductivity in the hyporheic zone of coastal wetlands
G van Dijk, JJ Nijp, K Metselaar, LPM Lamers, AJP Smolders
Hydrological Processes 31 (4), 880-890, 2017
New insights into phosphorus mobilisation from sulphur-rich sediments: time-dependent effects of salinisation
JMH van Diggelen, LPM Lamers, G van Dijk, MJ Schaafsma, JGM Roelofs, ...
PloS one 9 (11), e111106, 2014
Nutrient dynamics of Sphagnum farming on rewetted bog grassland in NW Germany
RJE Vroom, RJM Temmink, G van Dijk, H Joosten, LPM Lamers, ...
Science of the Total Environment 726, 138470, 2020
Simultaneous high C fixation and high C emissions in Sphagnum mires
SF Harpenslager, G van Dijk, S Kosten, JGM Roelofs, AJP Smolders, ...
Biogeosciences 12, 4739–4749, 2015
Effects of groundwater nitrate and sulphate enrichment on groundwater-fed mires: a case study
G van Dijk, J Wolters, C Fritz, H de Mars, GJ van Duinen, KF Ettwig, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 230, 1-18, 2019
The effects of alkalinity and cations on the vitality of Sphagnum palustre L.
A Koks, GV Dijk, AJP Smolders, LPM Lamers, C Fritz
Wetscapes: Restoring and maintaining peatland landscapes for sustainable futures
RJM Temmink, BJM Robroek, G van Dijk, AHW Koks, SA Käärmelahti, ...
Ambio 52 (9), 1519-1528, 2023
De brede geelgerande waterroofkever Dytiscus latissimus in Zuidwest-Drenthe
JGM Cuppen, G Van Dijk, B Koese, O Vorst
Redox potential is a robust indicator for decomposition processes in drained agricultural peat soils: A valuable tool in monitoring peatland wetting efforts
J Boonman, SF Harpenslager, G van Dijk, AJP Smolders, MM Hefting, ...
Geoderma 441, 116728, 2024
On the hydrological relationship between Petrifying-springs, Alkaline-fens, and Calcareous-spring-mires in the lowlands of North-West and Central Europe; consequences for …
AP Grootjans, L Wołejko, H de Mars, AJP Smolders, G van Dijk
Mires and Peat 27, 12, 2021
Paludicultuur - kansen voor natuurontwikkeling en landschappelijke bufferzones op natte gronden
C Fritz, LPM Lamers, G van Dijk, AJP Smolders, H Joosten
Vakblad Natuur Bos en Landschap 105, 4-9, 2014
Larval development, metabolism and diet are possible key factors explaining the decline of the threatened Dytiscus latissimus
I Scholten, HH van Kleef, G van Dijk, J Brouwer, WCEP Verberk
Insect Conservation and Diversity 11 (6), 565-577, 2018
Factors influencing submerged macrophyte presence in fresh and brackish eutrophic waters and their impact on carbon emissions
T Gremmen, G van Dijk, J Postma, M Colina, LN de Senerpont Domis, ...
Aquatic Botany 187, 103645, 2023
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Articles 1–20