Azah Kamilah Muda
Cited by
Cited by
Handling a small dataset problem in prediction model by employ artificial data generation approach: A review
MA Lateh, AK Muda, ZIM Yusof, NA Muda, MS Azmi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 892 (1), 012016, 2017
Similarity measure for molecular structure: A brief review
SA Bero, AK Muda, YH Choo, NA Muda, SF Pratama
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 892 (1), 012015, 2017
A comparative study of feature extraction using PCA and LDA for face recognition
E Hidayat, NA Fajrian, AK Muda, CY Huoy, S Ahmad
2011 7th international conference on information assurance and security (IAS …, 2011
Automated vision inspection of timber surface defect: A review
UR Hashim, SZ Hashim, AK Muda
Jurnal Teknologi 77 (20), 2015
Invariants discretization for individuality representation in handwritten authorship
AK Muda, SM Shamsuddin, M Darus
Computational Forensics: Second International Workshop, IWCF 2008 …, 2008
Computationally inexpensive sequential forward floating selection for acquiring significant features for authorship invarianceness in writer identification
SF Pratama, AK Muda, YH Choo, NA Muda
International Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their Applications 1 …, 2011
Authorship Invarianceness for Writer Identification Using Invariant Discretization and Modified Immune Classifier
AK Muda
Performance evaluation of multivariate texture descriptor for classification of timber defect
UR Hashim, SZM Hashim, AK Muda
Optik 127 (15), 6071-6080, 2016
Features extraction of Arabic calligraphy using extended triangle model for digital jawi paleography analysis
MS Azmi, K Omar, MF Nasrudin, AK Muda, A Abdullah, KWM Ghazali
Int. J. Comput. Inf. Syst. Ind. Manag. Appl 5 (696-703), 2, 2013
Arabic calligraphy classification using triangle model for Digital Jawi Paleography analysis
MS Azmi, K Omar, MF Nasrudin, AK Muda, A Abdullah
2011 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), 704-708, 2011
Computational intelligence in digital forensics: forensic investigation and applications
AK Muda, YH Choo, A Abraham, SN Srihari
Springer International Publishing, 2014
A novel nonlinear time-varying sigmoid transfer function in binary whale optimization algorithm for descriptors selection in drug classification
N Mohd Yusof, AK Muda, SF Pratama, A Abraham
Molecular diversity 27 (1), 71-80, 2023
Improved swarm intelligence algorithms with time-varying modified Sigmoid transfer function for Amphetamine-type stimulants drug classification
NM Yusof, AK Muda, SF Pratama, R Carbo-Dorca, A Abraham
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 226, 104574, 2022
A manufacturing failure root cause analysis in imbalance data set using pca weighted association rule mining
PL Ong, YH Choo, AK Muda
Jurnal Teknologi 77 (18), 2015
Data normalization for triangle features by adapting triangle nature for better classification
MS Azmi, NA Arbain, AK Muda, ZA Abas, Z Muslim
2015 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing …, 2015
Innovations in bio-inspired computing and applications
V Snášel, A Abraham, P Krömer, M Pant, A Muda
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovations in Bio …, 2015
Measuring data completeness for microbial genomics database
NA Emran, S Embury, P Missier, MNM Isa, AK Muda
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 5th Asian Conference, ACIIDS …, 2013
Digital paleography: Using the digital representation of Jawi manuscripts to support paleographic analysis
MS Azmi, K Omar, MF Nasrudin, AK Muda, A Abdullah
2011 International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligence Robotics …, 2011
Improvement of Authorship invarianceness for individuality representation in writer identification
AK Muda, SM Shamsuddin, A Abraham
Neural Network World 20 (3), 371, 2010
Image collection for non-segmenting approach of timber surface defect detection
UR Hashim, SZ Hashim, AK Muda
Int. J. Adv. Soft Comput. Its Appl 7 (1), 15-34, 2015
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Articles 1–20