Carly Maynard
Cited by
Cited by
A transdisciplinary account of water research
T Krueger, C Maynard, G Carr, A Bruns, EN Mueller, S Lane
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 3 (3), 369-389, 2016
Micro-hydro power in the UK: The role of communities in an emerging energy resource
LJ Bracken, HA Bulkeley, CM Maynard
Energy Policy 68, 92-101, 2014
How public participation in river management improvements is affected by scale
CM Maynard
Area 45 (2), 230-238, 2013
Accessing the environment: Delivering ecological and societal benefits through knowledge integration–The case of water management
CM Maynard
Applied Geography 58, 94-104, 2015
Coronavirus disease 2019: clinics, treatment, and prevention
FR Burkert, L Lanser, R Bellmann-Weiler, G Weiss
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 761887, 2021
Reservoir compensation releases: Impact on the macroinvertebrate community of the Derwent River, Northumberland, UK—A longitudinal study
CM Maynard, SN Lane
River Research and Applications 28 (6), 692-702, 2012
Stakeholders' perception of the relevance of water and sediment connectivity in water and land management
A Smetanová, EN Paton, C Maynard, S Tindale, AP Fernández‐Getino, ...
Land Degradation & Development 29 (6), 1833-1844, 2018
Understanding the response to Covid-19-Exploring options for a resilient social and economic recovery in Scotland’s rural and island communities
M Currie, R McMorran, J Hopkins, AJ McKee, J Glass, R Wilson, ...
Perceived causes and solutions to soil degradation in the UK and Norway
N Rust, OE Lunder, S Iversen, S Vella, EA Oughton, TA Breland, JH Glass, ...
Land 11 (1), 131, 2022
Best practice guidance for environmental risk assessment for offshore CO2 geological storage
K Wallmann, M Haeckel, P Linke, L Haffert, M Schmidt, S Buenz, R James, ...
ECO2 Project Office, 2015
A transdisciplinary account of water research, WIREs Water, 3, 369–389
T Krueger, C Maynard, G Carr, A Bruns, EN Mueller, S Lane
Case studies of island repopulation initiatives
J Glass, R McMorran, S Jones, C Maynard, M Craigie, A Weeden
Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), 2020
Understanding the experiences of peatland restoration in Scotland
P Novo, M Sposato, C Maynard, K Glenk
Scotland’s Rural College, 2021
Perceived Causes and Solutions to Soil Degradation in the UK and Norway. Land 2022, 11, 131
N Rust, OE Lunder, S Iversen, S Vella, EA Oughton, TA Breland, JH Glass, ...
s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in …, 2022
Facilitating local resilience: case studies of place-based approaches in rural Scotland
J Glass, J Atterton, CM Maynard, MC Craigie, SJ Jones, M Currie, ...
Uplandia: making better policy in complex upland systems. Final report.
GB Stewart, M Glendell, R McMorran, M Troldborg, Z Gagkas, P Ovando, ...
Framing and bias in CO2 capture and storage communication films: Reflections from a CO2 capture and storage research group
CM Maynard, S Shackley
Public Understanding of Science 27 (5), 550-561, 2018
Public participation in river research and management: scale, levels of participation and the contexts of knowledge co-production
Durham University, 2013
Reservoir compensation releases and the ecology of the River Derwent, Northumberland.
Durham University, 2010
Attitudes to land reform
R Warren, C Millar, M Pollok, L Murray, J Glass, R McMorran, M Craigie, ...
The Scottish Government, 2021
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Articles 1–20