Christopher Frost
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Cited by
Plant defense priming against herbivores: getting ready for a different battle
CJ Frost, MC Mescher, JE Carlson, CM De Moraes
Plant physiology 146 (3), 818-824, 2008
Within‐plant signalling via volatiles overcomes vascular constraints on systemic signalling and primes responses against herbivores
CJ Frost, HM Appel, JE Carlson, CM De Moraes, MC Mescher, JC Schultz
Ecology letters 10 (6), 490-498, 2007
Priming defense genes and metabolites in hybrid poplar by the green leaf volatile cis‐3‐hexenyl acetate
CJ Frost, MC Mescher, C Dervinis, JM Davis, JE Carlson, CM De Moraes
New Phytologist 180 (3), 722-734, 2008
Insect canopy herbivory and frass deposition affect soil nutrient dynamics and export in oak mesocosms
CJ Frost, MD Hunter
Ecology 85 (12), 3335-3347, 2004
Herbivore-Induced Volatiles in the Perennial Shrub, Vaccinium corymbosum, and Their Role in Inter-branch Signaling
CR Rodriguez-Saona, LE Rodriguez-Saona, CJ Frost
Journal of chemical ecology 35, 163-175, 2009
Tracing the history of plant traits under domestication in cranberries: potential consequences on anti-herbivore defences
C Rodriguez-Saona, N Vorsa, AP Singh, J Johnson-Cicalese, Z Szendrei, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 62 (8), 2633-2644, 2011
Acute Invasive Fungal Rhinosinusitis: A Comprehensive Update of CT Findings and Design of an Effective Diagnostic Imaging Model
EH Middlebrooks, CJ Frost, RO De Jesus, T Massini, IM Schmalfuss, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2015
Recycling of nitrogen in herbivore feces: plant recovery, herbivore assimilation, soil retention, and leaching losses
CJ Frost, MD Hunter
Oecologia 151, 42-53, 2007
Herbivore‐induced shifts in carbon and nitrogen allocation in red oak seedlings
CJ Frost, MD Hunter
New Phytologist 178 (4), 835-845, 2008
Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover
JS Santangelo, RW Ness, B Cohan, CR Fitzpatrick, SG Innes, S Koch, ...
Science 375 (6586), 1275-1281, 2022
Phylogeny and expression profiling of CAD and CAD-like genes in hybrid Populus (P. deltoides × P. nigra): evidence from herbivore damage for …
A Barakat, A Bagniewska-Zadworna, CJ Frost, JE Carlson
BMC plant biology 10, 1-11, 2010
The Tonoplast-Localized Sucrose Transporter in Populus (PtaSUT4) Regulates Whole-Plant Water Relations, Responses to Water Stress, and Photosynthesis
CJ Frost, B Nyamdari, CJ Tsai, SA Harding
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e44467, 2012
Cytokinin primes plant responses to wounding and reduces insect performance
C Dervinis, CJ Frost, SD Lawrence, NG Novak, JM Davis
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 29, 289-296, 2010
Insect herbivores and their frass affect Quercus rubra leaf quality and initial stages of subsequent litter decomposition
CJ Frost, MD Hunter
Oikos 117 (1), 13-22, 2008
Constitutively Elevated Salicylic Acid Levels Alter Photosynthesis and Oxidative State but Not Growth in Transgenic Populus
LJ Xue, W Guo, Y Yuan, EO Anino, B Nyamdari, MC Wilson, CJ Frost, ...
The Plant Cell 25 (7), 2714-2730, 2013
Improved sugar release from lignocellulosic material by introducing a tyrosine‐rich cell wall peptide gene in poplar
H Liang, CJ Frost, X Wei, NR Brown, JE Carlson, M Tien
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 36 (8), 662-668, 2008
New evidence for a multi-functional role of herbivore-induced plant volatiles in defense against herbivores
CR Rodriguez-Saona, CJ Frost
Plant signaling & behavior 5 (1), 58-60, 2010
Dispensing a synthetic green leaf volatile to two plant species in a common garden differentially alters physiological responses and herbivory
GE Freundlich, M Shields, CJ Frost
Agronomy 11 (5), 958, 2021
A non-catalytic function of carbonic anhydrase IX contributes to the glycolytic phenotype and pH regulation in human breast cancer cells
MY Mboge, Z Chen, D Khokhar, A Wolff, L Ai, CD Heldermon, M Bozdag, ...
Biochemical Journal 476 (10), 1497-1513, 2019
Drought response transcriptomes are altered in poplar with reduced tonoplast sucrose transporter expression
LJ Xue, CJ Frost, CJ Tsai, SA Harding
Scientific reports 6 (1), 33655, 2016
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Articles 1–20