Carl Sayer
Carl Sayer
Professor, Department of Geography, University College London
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Zooplankton as indicators in lakes: a scientific-based plea for including zooplankton in the ecological quality assessment of lakes according to the European Water Framework …
E Jeppesen, P Nõges, TA Davidson, J Haberman, T Nõges, K Blank, ...
Hydrobiologia 676, 279-297, 2011
Does the fish–invertebrate–periphyton cascade precipitate plant loss in shallow lakes?
JI Jones, CD Sayer
Ecology 84 (8), 2155-2167, 2003
Rapid evolution of thermal tolerance in the water flea Daphnia
AN Geerts, J Vanoverbeke, B Vanschoenwinkel, W Van Doorslaer, ...
Nature Climate Change 5 (7), 665-668, 2015
Prospects and challenges of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring in freshwater ponds
LR Harper, AS Buxton, HC Rees, K Bruce, R Brys, D Halfmaerten, ...
Hydrobiologia 826, 25-41, 2019
Looking forward through the past: identification of 50 priority research questions in palaeoecology
AWR Seddon, AW Mackay, AG Baker, HJB Birks, E Breman, CE Buck, ...
Journal of Ecology 102 (1), 256-267, 2014
Defining reference conditions and restoration targets for lake ecosystems using palaeolimnology: a synthesis
H Bennion, RW Battarbee, CD Sayer, GL Simpson, TA Davidson
Journal of Paleolimnology 45, 533-544, 2011
Comparing RADseq and microsatellites to infer complex phylogeographic patterns, an empirical perspective in the Crucian carp, Carassius carassius, L.
DL Jeffries, GH Copp, L Lawson Handley, KH Olsén, CD Sayer, ...
Molecular ecology 25 (13), 2997-3018, 2016
Long‐term dynamics of submerged macrophytes and algae in a small and shallow, eutrophic lake: implications for the stability of macrophyte‐dominance
CD Sayer, AMY Burgess, K Kari, TA Davidson, S Peglar, H Yang, N Rose
Freshwater Biology 55 (3), 565-583, 2010
Seasonal dynamics of macrophytes and phytoplankton in shallow lakes: a eutrophication‐driven pathway from plants to plankton?
CD Sayer, TA Davidson, JI Jones
Freshwater Biology 55 (3), 500-513, 2010
A 250 year comparison of historical, macrofossil and pollen records of aquatic plants in a shallow lake
TA Davidson, CD Sayer, H Bennion, C David, N Rose, MP Wade
Freshwater Biology 50 (10), 1671-1686, 2005
Response of submerged macrophyte communities to external and internal restoration measures in north temperate shallow lakes
S Hilt, MM Alirangues Nuñez, ES Bakker, I Blindow, TA Davidson, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 194, 2018
Spatial representation of aquatic vegetation by macrofossils and pollen in a small and shallow lake
Y Zhao, CD Sayer, HH Birks, M Hughes, SM Peglar
Journal of Paleolimnology 35, 335-350, 2006
Problems with the application of diatom‐total phosphorus transfer functions: examples from a shallow English lake
CD Sayer
Freshwater Biology 46 (6), 743-757, 2001
Combining contemporary ecology and palaeolimnology to understand shallow lake ecosystem change
CD Sayer, TA Davidson, JI Jones, PG Langdon
Freshwater Biology 55 (3), 487-499, 2010
Ecological influences on larval chironomid communities in shallow lakes: implications for palaeolimnological interpretations
PG Langdon, ZOE Ruiz, S Wynne, CD Sayer, TA Davidson
Freshwater Biology 55 (3), 531-545, 2010
The role of pond management for biodiversity conservation in an agricultural landscape
C Sayer, K Andrews, E Shilland, N Edmonds, R Edmonds‐Brown, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 22 (5), 626-638, 2012
Biodiversity changes in a shallow lake ecosystem: a multi‐proxy palaeolimnological analysis
C Sayer, N Roberts, J Sadler, C David, PM Wade
Journal of Biogeography 26 (1), 97-114, 1999
Are the controls of species composition similar for contemporary and sub-fossil cladoceran assemblages? A study of 39 shallow lakes of contrasting trophic status
TA Davidson, CD Sayer, MR Perrow, M Bramm, E Jeppesen
Journal of Paleolimnology 38, 117-134, 2007
Large woody debris “rewilding” rapidly restores biodiversity in riverine food webs
MSA Thompson, SJ Brooks, CD Sayer, G Woodward, JC Axmacher, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (2), 895-904, 2018
The simultaneous inference of zooplanktivorous fish and macrophyte density from sub‐fossil cladoceran assemblages: a multivariate regression tree approach
TA Davidson, CD Sayer, M Perrow, M Bramm, E Jeppesen
Freshwater Biology 55 (3), 546-564, 2010
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Articles 1–20