Lucas Paolucci
Cited by
Cited by
Droughts, wildfires, and forest carbon cycling: A pantropical synthesis
PM Brando, L Paolucci, CC Ummenhofer, EM Ordway, H Hartmann, ...
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 47 (1), 555-581, 2019
Amazon wildfires: Scenes from a foreseeable disaster
P Brando, M Macedo, D Silvério, L Rattis, L Paolucci, A Alencar, M Coe, ...
Flora 268, 151609, 2020
Lowland tapirs facilitate seed dispersal in degraded Amazonian forests
LN Paolucci, RL Pereira, L Rattis, DV Silvério, NCS Marques, MN Macedo, ...
Biotropica 51 (2), 245-252, 2019
Fire-induced forest transition to derived savannas: cascading effects on ant communities
LN Paolucci, JH Schoereder, PM Brando, AN Andersen
Biological conservation 214, 295-302, 2017
Opposite latitudinal patterns for bird and arthropod predation revealed in experiments with differently colored artificial prey
EL Zvereva, B Castagneyrol, T Cornelissen, A Forsman, ...
Ecology and Evolution 9 (24), 14273-14285, 2019
Fire in the Amazon: impact of experimental fuel addition on responses of ants and their interactions with myrmecochorous seeds
LN Paolucci, MLB Maia, RRC Solar, RI Campos, JH Schoereder, ...
Oecologia 182, 335-346, 2016
Agricultural land-use change alters the structure and diversity of Amazon riparian forests
L Maracahipes-Santos, DV Silverio, MN Macedo, L Maracahipes, ...
Biological Conservation 252, 108862, 2020
Ants of Brazil: an overview based on 50 years of diversity studies
RM Feitosa, GP Camacho, TSR Silva, MA Ulysséa, N Ladino, AM Oliveira, ...
Systematics and Biodiversity 20 (1), 1-27, 2022
Ant diversity decreases during the dry season: A meta‐analysis of the effects of seasonality on ant richness and abundance
ACM Queiroz, TG Marques, CR Ribas, TG Cornelissen, A Nogueira, ...
Biotropica 55 (1), 29-39, 2023
Seed manipulation by ants: disentangling the effects of ant behaviours on seed germination
TV Fernandes, LN Paolucci, FMS Carmo, CF Sperber, RI Campos
Ecological entomology 43 (6), 712-718, 2018
ATLANTIC ANTS: a data set of ants in Atlantic Forests of South America
RR Silva, F Martello, RM Feitosa, OGM Silva, LP do Prado, CRF Brandão, ...
Ecology 103 (2), e03580, 2022
Pervasive impacts of climate change on the woodiness and ecological generalism of dry forest plant assemblages
MR Moura, FAO do Nascimento, LN Paolucci, DP Silva, BA Santos
Journal of Ecology 111 (8), 1762-1776, 2023
Top-down factors contribute to differences in insect herbivory between saplings and mature trees in boreal and tropical forests
EL Zvereva, LN Paolucci, MV Kozlov
Oecologia 193 (1), 167-176, 2020
Ant diversity studies in Brazil: an overview of the myrmecological research in a megadiverse country
FA Schmidt, CR Ribas, RM Feitosa, FB Baccaro, ACM de Queiroz, ...
Insectes Sociaux 69 (1), 105-121, 2022
Ant removal distance, but not seed manipulation and deposition site increases the establishment of a myrmecochorous plant
TV Fernandes, LN Paolucci, RRC Solar, FS Neves, RI Campos
Oecologia 192 (1), 133-142, 2020
How does small-scale fragmentation affect litter-dwelling ants? The role of isolation
LN Paolucci, RRC Solar, TG Sobrinho, CF Sperber, JH Schoereder
Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 3095-3105, 2012
AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A data set of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest
AC Antunes, A Montanarin, DM Gräbin, EC dos Santos Monteiro, ...
Ecology 103 (9), e3738, 2022
How much leaf area do insects eat? A data set of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol
GM Mendes, FAO Silveira, C Oliveira, W Dáttilo, R Guevara, ...
Ecology 102 (4), e03301, 2021
Contrasting edge and pasture matrix effects on ant diversity from fragmented landscapes across multiple spatial scales
CJ Lasmar, ACM Queiroz, C Rosa, NS Carvalho, FA Schmidt, RRC Solar, ...
Landscape Ecology 36 (9), 2583-2597, 2021
Litter and associated ant fauna recovery dynamics after a complete clearance
LN Paolucci, RRC Solar, JH Schoereder
Sociobiology 55 (1), 133, 2010
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Articles 1–20