Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), "Grupo de Investigación EFL Teaching
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Using digital games for enhancing EFL grammar and vocabulary in higher education
L Castillo-Cuesta
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (20 …, 2020
The Impact of Using" Pixton" for Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary in the EFL Ecuadorian Context.
P Cabrera, L Castillo, P González, A Quiñónez, C Ochoa
Teaching English with Technology 18 (1), 53-76, 2018
The effect of communicative activities on efl learners' motivation: A case of students in the amazon region of Ecuador
C Ochoa, P Cabrera, A Quiñónez, L Castillo, P González
Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal 18 (2), 39-48, 2016
Using genially games for enhancing EFL reading and writing skills in online education
L Castillo-Cuesta
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (1 …, 2022
Spanish interference in EFL writing skills: A case of Ecuadorian senior high schools.
PA Cabrera Solano, PF González Torres, CA Ochoa Cueva, ...
English Language Teaching 7 (7), 40-48, 2014
EFL Teaching in the Amazon Region of Ecuador: A Focus on Activities and Resources for Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills.
PF Gonzalez, CA Ochoa, PA Cabrera, LM Castillo, AL Quinonez, ...
English Language Teaching 8 (8), 94-103, 2015
Using Digital Storytelling as a Strategy for Enhancing EFL Writing Skills.
L Castillo-Cuesta, A Quinonez-Beltran, P Cabrera-Solano, ...
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 16 (13), 2021
Ecuador, con bajo desempeño en lectura
L Castillo
El comercio, 2021
Virtual workspaces for enhancing collaborative work in EFL learning: A case study in higher education
L Castillo-Cuesta, C Ochoa-Cueva, P Cabrera-Solano
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 17 (2), 4-18, 2022
Enhancing EFL students’ active learning by using ‘Formative’on mobile devices
P Cabrera-Solano, A Quinonez-Beltran, P Gonzalez-Torres, ...
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (13 …, 2020
Using digital comics for enhancing efl vocabulary learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
L Castillo-Cuesta, A Quinonez-Beltran
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (5 …, 2022
Perceptions on the Internal Factors Influencing EFL Learning: A Case of Ecuadorian Children.
P Cabrera-Solano, P Gonzalez-Torres, L Solano, L Castillo-Cuesta, ...
International Journal of Instruction 12 (4), 365-380, 2019
Capacidad emprendedora y resiliencia como factores influyentes sobre el potencial emprendedor empresarial en estudiantes de Ciencias Administrativas y Recursos Humanos de una …
L Castillo, Y Laura
Trabajo de Grado. Universidad de San Martín de Porres. Lima-Perú, 2018
Using visual vocabulary app as a metacognitive strategy in EFL learning: A case of pre-service teachers
P Cabrera-Solano, P Gonzalez-Torres, L Solano, L Castillo-Cuesta
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 18 (12 …, 2019
Ecuador mantiene un bajo nivel de dominio del idioma inglés
L Castillo
El Comercio, 1-2, 2021
Nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje
P Vélez, Y Yaguana
P. Vélez, & Y. Yaguana, Nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanza …, 2019
Implementing the Engage, Study, Activate Approach Using Technological Tools in Higher Education
P Cabrera-Solano, C Ochoa-Cueva, L Castillo-Cuesta
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 22 (1 …, 2023
Exploring perceptions of online feedback in teaching EFL speaking and writing skills during the COVID-19 pandemic
P Gonzalez-Torres, P Cabrera-Solano, L Castillo-Cuesta
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 21 (7 …, 2022
Aprendizaje de vocabulario en inglés mediante la experiencia prolongada de juego: The Sims 4
L Castillo
Bogotá, Colombia: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2016
Implementing Active Reading Strategies in Virtual Settings: High School Students’ Experience During Remote Learning
A Quinonez-Beltran, P Cabrera-Solano, L Castillo-Cuesta
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 22 (8 …, 2023
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Articles 1–20